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Your One Stop Shop For Accessing All Our Leadership and Communication Resources

Feature: Now Available On Amazon

A personal Coaching Companion for Clients
​Journal and Workbook​

'Growth Notes: A Personal Coaching Companion' is a unique journal and workbook designed exclusively for one-on-one clients and offers a dynamic space for reflection, growth, and empowerment. The journal is divided into three sections, each corresponding to the cycle of a coaching relationship: the beginning (laying the foundation), the middle (building), and completion phase (next steps) of coaching.

Inside 'Growth Notes' you will find

* 198 pages with three distinct sections including 12 coaching sessions
* More than 50 reflective coaching questions and writing prompts
* Coaching activities and resources to help set the foundations
* Goal setting and progress reviews
* In Session Notes and Doodles
* Growthwork (commitment to action)
* Growth Notes, Doodles and Reviews
* Growth Charts, a pre session primer
* Scheduled progress reviews
* Next Steps and Celebrations

101 Powerful Scripts:  Unwanted Behaviors

Ready to use scripts take the guesswork out of what to say when faced with offensive beahviors in the workplace. Resolve everyday situations with proven strategies to address 10 of the most offensive behaviors in the workplace


Discover Coaching with a Free Session

Schedule a free 60 minute private coaching session with the Talksicologist to explore how coaching can accelerate your growth. Together, we get clear around the challenges, the vision and the pathway to your success.


DISCover Your Talk Style

Uncover Your Core Talk Style and Be a More Effective and Influential Leader.

Enhance your communication skills with the tips for adapting your talk style for better conversations with any talk style.


Facts on Incivility and Bullying in Healthcare

Clarity on the impact, prevalence and costs of bullying and incivility in healthcare with ​evidence based strategies for organizations, leaders, and individuals

Updated in 2023


Weekly-ish Conquer Conflict Newsletter

Solving interpersonal problems with interpersonal solutions.  Confidently handle difficult conversations with weekly bite size content

Also available on Linkedin


The Talk Shop Now
on YouTube 

On Demand Training Resources.

Learn communication tips, tools, and tactics directly from the Talksicologist and improve your everyday conversations and the not so everyday. 


Invest In Your Professional Development Today

Gain valuable insights and strategies from industry experts to supercharge your growth and achieve your goals faster

Prices shown are in USD

Dissolve Workplace Conflict

Unlock your leadership potential and leverage your communication skills with the content contained in the 25 Expert sessions designed to help you ditch the drama, confidently handle difficult conversations and create better relationships


Leadership Communication Summit

Twenty Experts Share their Insights Into Overcoming Leadership Challenges During Unpredictable Times


Emotional Intelligence for Professional Success Assessment and Debrief

High EIQ benefits our communication, decision-making, leadership abilities, sales, teamwork and team performance, productivity, relationship satisfaction, customer service, conflict management and overall effectiveness


DISC Personality and Behavior Insights (Assessment with Expert Debrief)

DISC offers a simple solution with profound results. Learn how to identify the behavioral styles of others and adapt your communication to increase sales, assemble teams, target new hires, develop “rockstar” leaders, and more


I am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach and hold accredition with the International Coach Federation. As such I adhere to the ICF Ethics and Guidelines.


(587) 991 3771

Alberta Canada

(c) Tammy Dunnett  2024